Be a Master of the Situation

When you get angry, pause and think. When the fire of revenge burns within, you must control yourself and think. Think deeply and then arrive at a decision. Think and form an opinion. Think and decide what attitude you must adopt. This is the responsibility of a human being.

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Video Transcript

In this world, we have to face different situations. These situations are for test. If a person provokes you, a situation is created. If a person abuses you and provokes you, then another situation of test is created. What must you do? You have to prevent yourself from failing in these tests. What should you do? You have to be a master of the situation, not a slave. Manage the situation. What does it mean to be a master of the situation? When you get angry, pause and think. When the fire of revenge burns within, you must control yourself and think. Think deeply and then arrive at a decision. Think and form an opinion. Think and decide what attitude you must adopt. This is the responsibility of a human being.

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